Mold ManipuatorMold Manipulator models include the E-Series (electric) and H-Series (hydraulic) 
‘A-Frame’ style manipulators. Since their introduction over 16 years ago, they have
proven to be one of the most reliable designs in the industry. The E-Series is now available with electric powered rotation. Larger capacities are now provided by the B-Series Beam-type models.

Mold Manipulator units can be used for flask or flaskless molds or a combination of the two. Crane controls can be included and, if required, a hoist on monorail or X-Y crane can be included.


Model Max Load
lb (kg)
Max Clamp
inch (mm)
Min Clamp
inch (mm)
Max Swing Radius
inch (mm)
Height to Pivot
inch (mm)
Box Pivot
Electric - A Frame
E350 770 350 29.5 750 10.8 275 13.8 350 39.8 1010 No No
E900-750 1985 900 38.0 975 15.0 375 29.5 750 66.1 1680 Yes Optional
E1000 2200 1000 51.2 1300 15.8 400 31.5 800 66.9 1700 Optional
E1250 2755 1250 68.9 1750 21.6 550 32.5 825 78.7 2000 Optional
Hydraulic - A Frame
H2000 4400 2000 59.0 1500 20.6 525 43.3 1100 88.0 1980 Yes Yes
H3000 6600 3000 72.8 1850 26.7 680 47.2 1200 90.5 2300
H4000 8800 4000 97.5 2478 37.8 960 59.0 1500 106.3 2700
Hydraulic Beam
B1500 3300 1500 57.0 1450 30.5 775 31.5 800 48.3 1225 Yes Yes
B3000 6600 3000 68.9 1750 37.4 950 37.4 950 70.8 1800
B5000 11000 5000 74.8 1900 43.3 1100 41.3 1050 77.7 1975 Yes #
B7500 16500 7500 98.4 2500 49.0 1250 44.3 1125 93.5 2375
B10000 22000 10000 126.0 3200 65.0 1650 49.2 1250 98.2 2495
B15000 33000 15000 148.0 3750 78.7 2000 51.2 1300 100.4 2550

# Designed for handling boxes     *Can be rated at 2.2 ton - The addition of the box pivot may change the maximum and minimum clamp.

Hydraulic ‘H’ mold manipulator Hydraulic ‘H’ mold manipulator
Mold closing E-900 electrically-operated manipulator Mold closing E-900 electrically-operated manipulator
‘B’ type hydraulic manipulators for flask or flaskless applications ‘B’ type hydraulic manipulators for flask or flaskless applications
Dual controls for ease of use and operational safety Dual controls for ease of use and operational safety